Educator Insights: Building AI-Resilience in Community Colleges through Sociotechnical Understanding&Implementation of Direct Assessment Competency Based Education (CBE)&Introducing FeedbackFruits (Friday SLO Talk: 10/27/23)
Leia Yen is one of the co-executive directors and co-founders of Global Community College Transfers, the first national network and mentorship program dedicated to equipping American community college students for global career and education opportunities. She is a proud community college graduate of El Camino College, which equipped her to succeed as a transfer student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Leia is currently pursuing an MSc in the Oxford Internet Institute’s Social Science of the Internet program as a Marshall Scholar, following an MA in Digital Humanities from King’s College London. Her research interests lie in the digital humanities, edtech, AI, digital literacy, and digital inequalities. Leia is interested in American tech education reform, particularly how education in digital and media literacy can shape diverse communities to be more civically engaged and ethically conscious.
Leia’s Talk Summary: Drawing from qualitative research and literature, this presentation underscores the critical perspectives of community college educators on AI integration within a complex sociotechnical landscape. It emphasizes the need for building informed AI-resilience to effectively navigate challenges and harness opportunities, ensuring educational objectives and student outcomes remain at the forefront of technological advancements.
Billy Wagner, a Community College Specialist, has well over a decade working in higher education. This includes working in housing and student affairs at Sacramento State University where he was awarded ‘Graduate Student of the Year’ for the state of California by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) in 2017; as a lead analyst and manager at the California Student Aid Commission where he was recognized as an Unsung Hero by the nationally based Youth Law Center (YLC) and as a Specialist for financial aid and academic affairs at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.
Billy’s Talk Summary: In this presentation attendees will be provided with a brief update on the Direct Assessment Competency Based Education pilot programs at California Community Colleges and a run through of the various phases of Direct Assessment Competency Based Education implementation.
What is FeedbackFruits? FeedbackFruits believes that Competency-Based Education is the future of higher education. It’s our goal to ensure that students can track skill development and demonstrate competencies to employers through each assignment rubric. Through learning journeys, institutional competency rubrics, and student portfolios, FeedbackFruits can give your institution the tools it needs to get started with CBE via our Competency-based Education platform.
FeedbackFruits’s Talk Summary: FeedbackFruits believes that Competency-Based Education is the future of higher education. It’s our goal to ensure that students can track skill development and demonstrate competencies to employers through each assignment rubric. Through learning journeys, institutional competency rubrics, and student portfolios, FeedbackFruits can give your institution the tools it needs to get started with CBE via our Competency-based Education platform.
Learn how to use Artificial Intelligence application GPT-4 to analyze multiple longitudinal assessment datasets without combining them. Kristen Linton will demonstrate…
Please join us for a presentation by the “Canvas & SLO Assessment” subgroup – a “spin-off” working group/learning community of the Friday SLO Talks! Members from 2-year and 4-year institutions will share the collaborative work they’ve done to develop their use of Canvas Outcomes for SLO assessment on their campuses. They will demonstrate how to set up Canvas for SLO assessment and build a data dashboard using PowerBI. They will present and discuss with the audience various considerations regarding Canvas Outcomes adoption, setting up Canvas Outcomes to ensure consistent data that can be made actionable via data dashboards, and moving toward disaggregating data for DEI analyses as a next step.
The session will address and include the following:
• Collaborations and developing internal and external partnerships
• Considerations for adoption
• Architecture for mapping and creating consistent data
• Canvas Outcomes setup demonstration with Q&A
• Faculty resources to support buy-in and participation
• Formatting Canvas exported data to build data dashboards
• PowerBI data dashboard demonstration with Q&A
• Leveraging Canvas for other SLO assessments: Student Affairs, co-curricular programs, integrated assessment across programs/divisions