Title: Friday SLO Talk: Kickstarting Academic Year 2023/24 with an Insightful Dive into SLO Assessment & AI’s Impact
Welcome to the inaugural session of Friday SLO Talk for the academic year 2023/24! We are thrilled to present a platform that bridges dialogue and knowledge among faculty, assessment practitioners, and various stakeholders in higher education. Our focus for this session is to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the Six Steps to SLO (Student Learning Outcomes) Assessment, as outlined on the California Outcomes Assessment Coordinators Hub (COACHES) website. Guide to Student Learning Assessment
Webinar Highlights:
- Introduction to SLO Assessment: Gain a foundational understanding of the SLO assessment through a detailed walkthrough of the Six Steps to SLO Assessment. Whether you are a novice or seasoned educator, this overview promises valuable insights for all.
- In-depth Discussion: Engage in enriching discussions and Q&A sessions pertinent to the assessment of student learning. Bring your queries and experiences to the table as we delve into the multifaceted aspects of SLO.
- AI & ChatGPT Spotlight: Explore the groundbreaking impact of Artificial Intelligence, with a special focus on ChatGPT, on SLO assessments. Discover how these technological entities are influencing learning assessments and what this means for the future of education.